Neverending Nights of Summer, Day 45

EPISODE 45: A FRIEND IN NEED: Peter and Grayson discover there’s someone else in the cell next to them – a Bard! But … there’s something very, very, very weird about the Bard… Naturally, because Peter and Grayson can’t seem to catch a break. The Bard seems to think there’s something up with Grayson however…

Oh, also – you might want to hang out during the credits on this one for some out takes.

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I wish I had a picture of where Travis and I had finally met… because Travis began doing music for the series in Season 2 and he got a voice role in Season 3. In the meantime, this photo pretty much summarizing Amiee and I’s relationship. I am always rocking out and she never has any idea what the heck I am doing.
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