So in my previous post about the game, where I was playing James, the bass player in a metal band called Steel Destiny, I did the fake cover of the San Diego Reader (using Savatage members as the members of Steel Destiny and photoshopped the picture of “James” I’d been using in the photo). You can see that post over here. Well in the fake interview I mentioned that the character James talks about how they came up with a song, on the spot, called “Category 7” on the spot. Well, I finally got around to creating those lyrics, because I needed a moment of creativity after how today’s work was.
The first verse is a knock against the fictional band I created for the game (per the GM’s request) called Spiral Tower. Prior to knowing what this band would be used for, I based it off an actual San Diego based band that I love called Psychotic Waltz. You can see more about how I create this band and the references to their song in this post here.
The second verse was a knock against the band Ghost (the real band), because that’s who the fictional band Spiral Tower was supposed to open up for – when things happened and they couldn’t make it – and no one believed Steel Destiny could hold their own because “no one had heard of them.”
So the lyrics were fun to write, because it’s an aggressive song in my head… anyway, here it is.
“Category Seven” – written by Sam Branor and James Aldrich
When your spiral towers have crumbled to the ground,
And the angels cry out, their voices like resounding thunder,
The halo bleeds them dry, the thorns pierce their skin,
As they bleed for mankind’s sins
Now those true to the steel will rise and claim their destiny
And the world will be laid at their feet, for all to see
When they rise to glory
All the world will know their story.Their voices shall be the thunder
Their guitars shall be the shrill scream of the new angels
Those who do not accept, shall be swept under
Because they’re coming to raise some hell.The category seven storm washes over the Earth
Metal Music shall now know Steel Destiny
Metal Music shall be awakened by their Rebirth
All the world shall seeWe shall not be phantoms with no substance
We are crafted from true steel
We shall bring metal that’s not been seen before, or since,
You will hear our voice, the war drums, and the bass, and know we’re real.
We shall be the Alpha to the Omega, the start to the end,
We shall be the Earth, the Water, the Air, and the Fire,
And the music we bring shall ascend
For nothing will quench our desire.Our voices shall be the thunder
Our guitars shall be the shrill scream of the new angels
Those who do not accept, shall be swept under
Because they’re coming to raise some hell.The category seven storm shall rock the hell out of heaven
And our music will cleanse Hell of its sins
We won’t ever stop, we will keep coming back again and again
If you try to fight, you should know, you will never win.This is our destiny
And it’s time for the world to see
We are forged of steel
We are real.
And naturally had to do a “single” cover for it.
In this, with it being the final game, and having used Savatage as the reference for the band photo – it seemed fitting to use the Savatage font for the title of the single – and the bonus that the word “Savatage” can be spelled with the word “Category Seven” (using the letter “a” twice) is bonus.