Cobalt the Blue

Cobalt the Blue

Race: Dragon
Occupation: Blue Dragon, Leader of Azure Order
Place of Birth: Realm of Dragons
Known Relatives: Ankalagun (The All Father of Chromatic Dragons – Deceased), Skatha (The All Mother of Chromatic Dragons – Unknown), Obsidian (Black Dragon – Sister), Crimson (Red Dragon – Sister), Emerald (Green Dragon – Sister), Frostmourn (White Dragon – Sister)
First Appearance: Never Appeared In An Episode.
History: When the Platinum Dragon arrived in the World of Mortals, he brought with him light and life to the world. Skatha, the all Mother of Chromatic Dragons, seeking to devour the light, had tried to consume the rainbows that burst through the dark, dank clouds of the world. She tried so furiously to prevent any and all color to enter the world that she absorbed it into herself – in the end, becoming a colorful dragon herself – each head, representing one of the colors of the world – Red, for the fire; Blue, for the Skies; Green, for the grass and tress; Black, for the shadows created by the light; and White, for the pure snow in the Northern Lands.

She grew so furious at the Platinum Dragon, that she cut herself and bled each of the five colors. In a vile attempt to ruin what each of those colors meant, she corrupted her blood and grew each of them into a mighty dragon – Red – whose breath of fire was hotter than anything known; Blue, for the skies, whose lightning bolt breath could destroy anything; Green, for the grass, whose poisonous breath was made from some of the most lethal plants; Black, for the shadows, whose acidic breath was a massive force of destruction; and White, for the snow, whose breath could freeze anyone’s blood. When they were ready, she unleashed them upon the world.

After a thousand years of fighting and nearly sundering the World of Mortals, the Chromatic and Metallic Dragons agreed to leave the World of Mortals; it had been Cobalt that had arranged for the agreement, weaving her words in such a manner that it left a loophole for the Chromatic Dragons to return to the World of Mortals, knowing that once her deception had been revealed, the Metallic Dragons, bound by their Word and Honor, would still not violate their Oath.

Cobalt claimed the desert lands as her own, drawn by the golden sands that reminded her of mounds of endless gold. She took up residence in The Forlorn Mountain in the desert sands of Ator. After several hundreds years, she heard about the the City of Ator, and the riches they had made. This captured Cobalt’s curiosity and she attacked the City – only to find it, much to her surprise – defended by a Silver Dragon. One of the Metallic Dragons had returned to the world of Mortals.

Cobalt warned her sisters of the presence of the Metallic Dragon. If Argent the Silver returned, that meant that the others may have returned as well.

When the death of Crimson reached Cobalt’s ear, and that the Blade of Destiny had been founded and used by the fabled bloodline – Cobalt sealed the Forlorn Mountain, where she still slumbers, unaware that her father – the Dragon of Silverlake was also destroyed.

Eyes: Blue
Hair: N/A (As Dragon)


WEAPON: As a Dragon, Cobalt’s lightning breath is said to be one of the most powerful weapons. Cobalt is also known as “Sky” to some.

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