More Steel Destiny fun.

As mentioned in the previous post, we’d gone underwater. Well in this session, our base thing we were in, which was along the Mariana Trench, had a bunch of things suddenly go wrong – as it began to flood.

So my character wrote the perspective of the Titanic sinking to make it less obvious to the world what he’d endured. Here’s the lyrics for that song called “Destiny” and the “CD Single” cover. 🙂

“Destiny” © 2024, Steel Destiny written by James Aldrich

She was destined to rule the ocean,
She was destined to rule the sea,
She was to be the pride of man, for God to see
Technological evolution.

But Destiny can not be conquered
And She will show you no mercy,
Your pride and confidence will be spurred
And soon you are nothing more than a dying memory.

She was destined to be the Queen of the Sea
She failed, crushed beneath the ice
And now she’s a dying memory
Buried in the depths in which no one can ever see
Who she was meant to be
Destiny’s final sacrifice.

Too many were concerned at filling others with awe
They failed to see beyond their desire
And so she sank thanks to the human flaw
Her final moments recorded by the band’s choir.

Down into the black depths she sank
Ripped in two, deep are the oceans she drank
Down where she could never be saved
A thousand people now call their frozen grave.

She was destined to be the Queen of the Sea
She failed, crushed beneath the ice
And now she’s a dying memory
Buried in the depths in which no one can ever see
Who she was meant to be
Destiny’s final sacrifice.

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