To say that Larry Elmore’s art didn’t help inspire not only Neverending Nights, but helped define fantasy itself – would be like saying that the sun isn’t a hot place at night! (Think about that one for a moment…) Now Larry Elmore has an amazing (and I think a VERY gracious) Kickstarter fund that gives everyone great access to some of Larry Elmore’s art! The Kickstarter was funded probably before he hit “Publish” on the Kickstarter page – so he’s added an AMAZING amount of Stretch Goals (to surpass that original limit)! You should check out the Larry Elmore Kickstarter! It’s an amazing chance to own some very unique art (along with the book he’s already offering!) from Larry Elmore himself.

I want to bring to you a quality 300+ page full color hardback book containing most of my painted and drawn art over the last 40 years.
- Launched: Nov 16, 2012
- Funding ends: Dec 31, 2012
Your Fantasy Begins here!
I want to make available, through this project, the largest, most comprehensive collection of the very best of my art spanning my full 40 year career. Many of the images I will include in this tome are being re-mastered using the latest digital technology from original film, for unprecedented quality, and several pieces have never before been published or rarely seen. Interspersed among the images I will also offer you glimpses into my studio and creative process, including sketches and preliminaries, as well as share with you my autobiography, my artistic journey, and my stories. I will start from my earliest childhood drawings, and together we will journey through my challenges breaking into the industry and frustrations with commercial art, through my years working in games and on novel covers and ultimately to my latest personal works.
This hardback book will be 9″ x 12″ and encompass 300+ pages. Depending on your pledge amount you can own this book as a standard coffee-table hardback edition, or a deluxe leather-bound cover edition, as well as other bonuses, such as special prints, original hand-drawn sketches, or even the original painting used for the cover itself! Most importantly, you are helping me realize my dream of bringing this volume to you, my fans. Thank you in advance for your pledge!

This kickstarter project is going unbelievably well and I am overwhelmed. I want to do more stretch goals, and believe me we have been wracking our brains. But I had an idea; I have a lot of paintings and many of them have never left my studio, the originals have never been seen, and hardly anyone has had an opportunity to purchase one. I feel that they are too much trouble to take to conventions and also more likely get damaged. In the old days every painting made a trip to the publisher in New York and after it was published they would send the painting back. When it returned I would usually put the painting on a shelf in my studio or in a flat file. Now days I drive my paintings to Nashville for a professional scan and when I get back put them either on a shelf or in a flat file. So why not put some of these paintings up for sale because so many fans of my art are following this project and everyone would have an equal chance at purchasing an original painting. I have selected 12 paintings to sell; we will keep three available for purchase at all times until they are all sold or this kickstarter project is over. We are still trying to come up with new stretch goals and want to sincerely thank everyone for the fantastic support of this project!!!

Raistlin & Christina 1994:
Might & Magic 8:
Star Frontiers Module:

The more we raise with this campaign, the better we can make this art book. We are still negotiating with our printers to get the best price on additional pages and extras, but your support will make them all possible. Once the Kickstarter program is over, the Hardback book will sale for $80.
NOTE TO MY NON-US FANS: My good friend BROM just got done with his Kickstarter and raised 230k on his book. I knew I was going to have to keep adding stretch goals. I started out with a break even cost for my NON-US FANS, because I quickly realized that I would be giving away 5 or 6 other products with it. So, in reality, whatever product one gets in stretch goals is the EXTRA vale for my NON-US FANS!
Here is the curent retail value of our current stretch goals…

Stretch Goal 1: 48 Additional Pages If there is enough interest in this project, I would like to expand the book to 304 pages. This will give me more room to add more obscure paintings, more preliminary works and other black and white artwork. If pledges exceed thirty thousand, all contributors will receive a 304 page book rather than only 256 pages. COMPLETED

Stretch Goal 2: 8″x10″ D&D Original Box Set Covers As a special thank you to my fans, should funding exceed fifty thousand dollars, I will include three 8″ x 10″ print of one of my most remembered painting series–the Basic Dungeons & Dragons Red Dragon box cover, the Expert Dungeons & Dragons Blue box cover, and the Companions Dungeon & Dragons Green box– in every contributor’s package.

Stretch Goal 3: B&W Sketch Book As an added bonus for achieving the one Seventy-five thousand dollar mark, I am going to bind together a soft cover black & white sketchbook that will include copies of all the original drawings I will be doing as inserts for this project and a few extra no one has ever seen. Everyone who has contributed from the Fan Package on up will receive a copy of this book in their package. I am so very grateful to you all for making my 40 year compendium a reality!

Stretch Goal 4: 8″x10″ Original Dragonlance Covers Once we hit one hundred thousand, I will include three limited edition 8″ x 10″ prints of the three original Dragonlance Book covers — Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragons of Winter Night, Dragons of Spring Dawning — in every contributor’s package.

Stretch Goal 5: Motorcycle Ride & Studio Tour As an added bonus for achieving the one hundred twenty-five thousand dollar mark, I plan to have a studio tour and motorcycle ride in my hometown of Leitchfield Kentucky. I will send each you a ticket to bring one guest sometime during the summer of 2013. You will have a chance to walk through my studio and time to talk with me. Later in the afternoon everyone with a motorcycle is welcome to take a long ride with me through the foothills of Kentucky. If you do not have a motorcycle, you are still welcome to come and enjoy the studio tour. (Contributors would be responsible for their own travel arrangements, overnight stay, gas, etc.)
Keep Checking Back… MORE Stretch Goals to come!
As this campaign develops, keep checking back for previews of art, new and interesting promotions, stretch goals, and news about the art book. And thanks again for supporting The Complete Elmore Art Book!
Risks and challenges Learn about accountability on Kickstarter
The greatest challenge I am facing with this project is the re-mastering and color-correcting of all my older works from the film the images are preserved on. Don’t get me wrong, the quality of color will be phenominal and as close to the originals as I can get, but there is a LOT of work to do “cleaning up” the fuzzies, speckles and other gremlins that creep in during the scanning process. Still, I am excited to have the technology to reproduce these old favorites in a clearer, crisper way than ever before.
This book will ship to Kickstarter supporters in August 2013.
All pledge amounts include USPS Media Mail shipping within the U.S. Shipping for international orders will receive an additional $48.00 fee. International orders ship by USPS Priority Mail. Taxes and fees vary by country. Please be aware international orders may be required to pay a duty tax by your local postal station.
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