Vote for Odin!

Odin (my dog), who “voiced” Pawl the Dorf’s part when he was reincarnated as a dog is up for a contest! First place gets him in an advertisement with Muttropolis as well as a $1000 gift certificate to Muttropolis! Please repost this in your profiles and vote for him daily!

Votes are accumulated by unique email address. So if you have multiple email addresses, feel free to register and vote as many times as you can. And you can vote every 24 hours. I have found that keeping the email confirmation they send you is the easiest thing. The link within that email auto signs you into whatever email account it was sent to – so you don’t have to keep logging into the website every day. You just click the link from the confirmation email. All help is greatly appreciated.

– Tawmis

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