Neverending Nights… Are Neverending.

I am currently working on rendering the footage for Neverending Nights, episode 2 (which takes 6 hours on my machine, and pretty much hogs up every bit of resource, or makes everything so painfully slow that it’s not even worth touching the PC while its rendering)… but if the indication on the RvB forum about Neverending Nights is any indication, looks like we might have something good on our hands, which would indeed rock. I even posted it over on the NWN Bioware forum, and got a developer and someone from their QA team to check it out! Both of which had only positive things to say!

So anyway, Episode 2 should be done sometime this week. I typically render and edit the video, run it by Adam, we discuss what we might change/refilm and then finally upload it.

Thanks to everyone who has checked it out, and thank ye more if ye have checked it out and offered feedback!

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