Help Neverending Nights!

Help Neverending Nights!

No, we’re not here to beg you for cash! Seriously! No, this time it’s something else. I have my own account on where I upload all kinds of home videos, and silly things like that… Well I decided to make a channel just for Neverending Nights!

So now has an official channel on Youtube!

So where do you come in?

Well get in there and subscribe to the channel And while you’re at it – tell everyone else to do the same! See if we can get the millions and millions… or just maybe thousands and thousands… or just… hundreds and hundreds – all right – how about we settle for at least a handful of you – to subscribe to the channel and see if we can get it mentioned on Youtube as one of the popular channels.

I know, I know. I’m dreaming right?

Well it never hurts to try!

Oh, and feel free to copy this into your MySpace, your blog, your journal – or even tattoo it onto your skin! Whatever works!

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