Legend of Grimrock: Destiny’s Chance. (Part 18)


Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
Part 04
Part 05
Part 06
Part 07
Part 08
Part 09
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17

“You are close enough now,” the eerie voice whispered, startling Blaz’tik from his dream. “I don’t have to wait for you to be asleep anymore,” the voice continued speaking to Blaz’tik’s mind. “A long time ago, they closed the Portal by breaking the mechanism. It is here, nearby. Find it.”

Blaz’tik leaned against the wall, trying to gain his bearings. He had heard rumors, stories, legends of the Undying One. Legends spoke of the Undying One, several thousand years ago, nearly destroying the entire world – so corrupt, vile and evil, driven beyond madness. Grimrock had been created to imprison him so long ago; but the magic of the Undying One seeped out through his imprisonment and began to infect all of Grimrock – altering the beasts that roamed it, changing the guardians to disfigured, unrecognizable creatures. In essence, Grimlock gained life – and the caverns were littered with creatures that became the enzymes of the blood, fighting off the infections that entered – the prisoners thrown down, to fight and try to survive.

“I know –tic!- who you are,” Blaz’tik said to no one in particular. “I know what you have –tic!- done. I can not set you free.”

“They destroyed the mechanism,” the voice replied. “They took it apart to keep the Portal closed. But it can still be mended, I know how. To reopen the Portal, you need to find the missing parts. There are four parts missing. Go.”

“You don’t–tic!- understand,” Blaz’tik repeated. “I can not help you.”

“I am the way to freedom,” the voice said. “I am your escape. The portal is the gate, I am the key.” After a moment, the voice continued, “They throw all their scrap metal and old parts down the pits. We may find what we need here.”

Blaz’tik wasn’t even sure if the voice of what he believed to be the Undying One could even hear him – or if it was a one way communication. Still, if the voice was speaking the truth – if there was no way out without helping the Undying One – it would explain why no one ever escaped. Perhaps they all gave their life, once they realized the only way out was helping the Undying One escape.

Blaz’tik felt his fingertips tingle. He looked down and saw crackles of energy weaving between his fingertips. The magic of Grimrock was literally coursing through his entire body – energizing him, making him feel more alive than he has ever before. He had felt it from the moment they had been thrown into the dungeon – how the magic had been drawn to him. Each time they went deeper into the dungeon, each time they got closer, Blaz’tik suspected, to the Undying One, somewhere far below, the magic around him seemed to become stronger and stronger, also making him more powerful. Blaz’tik couldn’t help but recall the Goromorg that they had encountered; the one that had nearly ripped the soul from Tawmis’ chest.

“Thousands of years old,” Blaz’tik had explained, after that encounter. “Once believed to be human, the Designers – the First Mages – obsessed with magic, sold their –tic!- very sanity and souls, to improve and learn –tic!- and become better Mages. It is said –tic!- that they made a pact with a ‘Dark God’ that –tic!- bestowed these powers upon them and supposed –tic!- changed them in its image. They are, without a doubt, -tic!- the most powerful Mages in existence, but the cost –tic!- of magic was … what you saw. They –tic!- no longer appear human. They –tic!- emanate that fear –tic!- aurora, because there is nothing human – it’s literally the –tic!- magic within them flowing outward, seeking to drain any and all –tic!- magic it senses!”

Blaz’tik looked at his hands again. He saw the magic coursing through his fingertips.

And he couldn’t help but wonder – if he did not find a way to escape – would he suffer the same fate as the Goromorg? Would he eventually become so twisted and vile by the corrupt magic he could feel beating through his body. Would he become obsessed with the dark magic? Would he roam these halls, seeking to drain the life and magic of everyone who was thrown down here?

And for that brief moment, fear took over Blaz’tik. He closed his eyes, and prayed, before speaking the next words, “I will help you escape…”

Tawmis Sanarius – Human (Son of Contar Stoneskull and Yennica Whitefeather) – Warrior
Taren Bloodhorn – Minotaur – Warrior
Blaz’tik – Insectoid – Mage
Silvertan – Lizardman – Rogue
Coy – Ratling from the Isle of Nex – Rogue

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