To begin filming Episode 30…

After several weeks of business travel, I am finally back to resume filming the 1080p version of Neverending Nights. And what episode do I come back, just in time to refilm? Episode 30… There is no episode, throughout the entire series, that has plagued me more than Episode 30 of the 65 episodes of this series. The giant war between Duegar and Drow that happens in this episode is painful to script, because there’s so many different elements to keep track of. I have rebuild the entire scene from the original, and about to do the scripts again to film this wide scene war between these two races. Wish me luck on maintaining my sanity…

  • Tawmis

Episode 30 Scripting Nightmares – Those Nasty Dwarves!

And when the scripting goes wrong and our would be heroes get too close to those nasty little dwarves…

Posted by Neverending Nights on Sunday, July 16, 2017

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