Editoral Rips Through Machinima Projects! And other Neverending Nights news!

Interesting. Stumbled across this while running around Machinima.com… it’s an editoral blog about the current state of Machinima! But why do I find it “interesting.”

Because other than Red vs Blue, it seems to tear apart every other Machinima out there… Except… check this out…

Neverending Nights. Got potential. Have to watch some more episodes.
But clearly, these guys know how to voice act and display emotion in the dialog.

Now I am floored… because when I read through the other ones it tore through… those are ones that have been around a lot longer than ours, and have more time under their belt.

You can read the whole thing over here.

You can also discuss it on our forum, over here and share your thoughts if you agree, disagree, etc – not just about what he said about us – but Machinima in general.

Also, if you head into the video section, you will see the final draft of Episode 5: Ye Salty Dog! (Right Click SAVE AS…) has been released for your downloading (dis)pleasure! Comment about the episode can be made on our forum! This episode introduces our first “new actress” into Neverending Nights! It’s Christi, the Salt Vendor from Galana! And if you have been following the poll on our forum she is currently winning the “Most Popular Character” vote! (So feel free to go in there and vote for “Peter”).

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