We’re lost again, aren’t we? … Define ‘Lost.’

If you’re here, you have either somehow come across the wrong website, or you were on a forum where I went crazy posting our URL out there. In any case, hopefully you know the concept of Neverending Nights. It’s essentially a Machinima using the incredible engine by Bioware’s Neverwinter Nights. We debuted the first five or so videos, plus the promo video around the web to get some feedback, since this was the first time Adam or I have ever plunged into this kind of medium. (Heck, this is the first time we have worked together on something like this!) The feedback, over all, has been amazing. We have up to – at least – 22 Episodes planned out. So hopefully, whether you came to this site by intention or accident, you will stick with us regardless! The first video is available for download now, and the forum is now open. Get over there, check things out and give us some feedback. Head into the forum and share your comments! While you do that, I am going to go wake Adam up from the delusional state he is in.


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