Was just thinking back on how different D&D is today to how it was when I first began playing. And let me be clear – I much prefer 5th Edition over the old system. The old system, with THAC0 (pronounced “Thack-O”) which stood for “To Hit Armor Class 0” had a messy (in hindsight) table you’d need to look at – and depending on what class you played, it was different. The dungeons were monster infested, with different monsters in different rooms, just 5 feet away, not caring that there’s all these other monsters around. These days, with 5th edition, it’s far more focused on the story and the characters – and both as a player, but mostly as a DM I love it. I can challenge my players, but in the end, I do want them to survive the encounters I throw at them, because I want their character stories to evolve. Back in the old school D&D, there’s no need to come up with a character backstory, because you were lucky if you made it to level 5. But I loved it back then – and still love it today, for the memories it’d created.
So I thought I’d post some (maybe all?) of the old school modules (their covers, anyway)… and see if anyone remembers any of these that may be old, like I am… in due time, but maybe do them in small waves, by module letters…