Doing Neverending Nights turned out to be an incredible surprise. Initially, the show started because we wanted to get our hands in the creative outlet of doing “machinima” and some of our own voice acting. It allowed me to begin creating a story. But more importantly – it allowed me to include my friends in that story – whether it was Paul as Pawl the Dorf, Poppy as Poppy the Salt Vendor, Chad as Alan the Astounding – the list goes on and on (you can see our “Cast” page over here: )
So much came out of the series – a lot of it because I was chasing things down. I reached out to Bioware to get their approval, which got their attention – and they interviewed us on their website (you can check out the “About” page at: ) to see all of that. Which then got us recognized by Atari, who asked us to do machinima episodes to debut Neverwinter Nights 2 before it was out – and they took us up to their office in Los Angeles and got us into E3 to meet with them.
We were nominated in 2005 for one of the best new machinimas (we didn’t win) – but Adam and I flew up to New York regardless and had an incredible time.
Over the years, time has gone by and many of those friends, and myself have drifted away. They’ve moved away, and we each made those promises of keeping in touch – but life simply gets in the way.
But I look back at the adventures of Peter and Grayson – and I think of only love and how truly blessed I was. Though many of these friends and I have parted ways – they’re deeply cherished even if I don’t say it enough.
I hope all of you, this Christmas or Holiday, are able to look back – and think of times you were loved – and carry that sensation forward into the New Year.
- Much love,
- – Tawmis