Well, it’s not really about Steel Destiny, but I play the bass player of this fictional band, Steel Destiny, which I made up for this GM’s game. In the original World of Darkness setting, it was a Hunter game – and I played Sam Branor, the vocalist of Steel Destiny. And it was a lot of fun – a lot of freaking fun. In the Vampire game that followed, I managed to bring Steel Destiny back, as the band that got contracted to do one of the songs for a movie (that my Vampire character) was going to be a part of. Now, in this new Mage game, I returned to playing a character from the band and have been playing James Aldrich, the bass player of Steel Destiny.
This session was a continuation of the previous session, which was a huge reference to one of my all time favorite movies, Clue. Not Clueless. It’s Clue. Yes. Like the board game. Anyway, in this new session as we continued it – we discovered someone was present at the gentleman’s “my life is over tonight” party who had powers – similar to the rest of us (being Mages). We eventually discovered, it was a vampire, who was wanting revenge on the family line, for some thing that happened generations ago.
Anyway, as always, I try to write lyrics when I am playing someone from Steel Destiny, and this session was no different.
“Legacy of Vengeance” © 2024, Steel Destiny written by James Aldrich
A curse through the generations
Death casts it’s shadow
There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to go
Can’t escape, blinded by their desperation.
Eternal life, fueled through hatred
An endless hunger which can not be fed
A curse upon you, a curse upon me
I promise you, you will never be free
The Legacy of Vengeance
Is all consuming
The Legacy of Vengeance
What end does this bring
Devour the innocence
Death comes at the same time
Payment for another family member’s crime
Tonight as you gaze into the mirror
Your reflection stares back at you in fear
Accept that which is your fate
You can never make amends for what’s already been done
Death is coming and all you can do is wait
To claim another father’s son
The Legacy of Vengeance
Is all consuming
The Legacy of Vengeance
What end does this bring
Devour the innocence
And naturally, even created… album art.