What is Steel Destiny?
Read my previous post about playing Steel Destiny!
Today’s session – the DM knowing how much I love Clue (The Movie) – made a session that was very, very, very inspired by Clue! (Nice DM trick, knowing this would definitely hook me!) In this game, I am now playing the bass player of this fictional band, Steel Destiny, named James Aldrich (see the aforementioned previous post for more on that).
Some of the people we’ve met so far…
- Brody Helsinton
- Brody is a reference to Mr. Body
- Dr Berry
- Professor Plum
- Ruby
- Mrs. Scarlet
- Major Saffron
- Colonel Mustard
- Mr Moss, legal counsel
- Mr. Green
- Yolanda, housekeeper
- Yvette
Some of the rooms we’ve explored –
- Grand hall, entry
- Library
- Study
- Conservatory
- Kitchen
- Dining Room
- Ballroom
- Billiard Room
- Lounge
Anyway, as always, when I played Sam Branor (the singer of Steel Destiny – I always wrote “lyrics” for that session)… so I did so again. In this session, Brody believed he would die on his 32nd birthday, because everyone before him in his family had…
New Steel Destiny track – now available!
“Mansion of Murder” © Steel Destiny, written by James Aldrich
Beyond the doors of sanity and truth
Lies a man suffering from madness
Believing he will be robbed of his youth
Believing an ancient curse thrived in the darkness.
There are secrets hidden within the walls
Pierce the veil of shadows, by looking through the eyes of another
Waiting there in the darkness, his final destiny calls
Unless we can work together
In the Mansion of Murder
Where Death waits at every turn
In the Mansion of Murder
The Secrets Hidden, We Must Learn
In the Mansion of Murder
Nothing here is what it seems
Velvet oceans of lies and misguided dreams
There is more here than the mortal eye can see
In order to save this man from his destiny
Someone here has played their part
Eager to feast on this man’s beating heart
We must unravel the illusions and lies
And discover who is behind the disguise
In the Mansion of Murder
Where Death waits at every turn
In the Mansion of Murder
The Secrets Hidden, We Must Learn
In the Mansion of Murder!
And naturally had to make a CD/Single cover…