More Steel Destiny!

What is Steel Destiny?

Read my previous post about playing Steel Destiny!

Today’s session – the DM knowing how much I love Clue (The Movie) – made a session that was very, very, very inspired by Clue! (Nice DM trick, knowing this would definitely hook me!) In this game, I am now playing the bass player of this fictional band, Steel Destiny, named James Aldrich (see the aforementioned previous post for more on that).

Some of the people we’ve met so far…

  • Brody Helsinton
    • Brody is a reference to Mr. Body
  • Dr Berry
    • Professor Plum
  • Ruby
    • Mrs. Scarlet
  • Major Saffron
    • Colonel Mustard
  • Mr Moss, legal counsel
    • Mr. Green
  • Yolanda, housekeeper
    • Yvette

Some of the rooms we’ve explored –

  • Grand hall, entry
  • Library
  • Study
  • Conservatory
  • Kitchen
  • Dining Room
  • Ballroom
  • Billiard Room
  • Lounge

Anyway, as always, when I played Sam Branor (the singer of Steel Destiny – I always wrote “lyrics” for that session)… so I did so again. In this session, Brody believed he would die on his 32nd birthday, because everyone before him in his family had…

New Steel Destiny track – now available!

“Mansion of Murder” © Steel Destiny, written by James Aldrich

Beyond the doors of sanity and truth
Lies a man suffering from madness
Believing he will be robbed of his youth
Believing an ancient curse thrived in the darkness.

There are secrets hidden within the walls
Pierce the veil of shadows, by looking through the eyes of another
Waiting there in the darkness, his final destiny calls
Unless we can work together

In the Mansion of Murder
Where Death waits at every turn
In the Mansion of Murder
The Secrets Hidden, We Must Learn
In the Mansion of Murder

Nothing here is what it seems
Velvet oceans of lies and misguided dreams
There is more here than the mortal eye can see
In order to save this man from his destiny

Someone here has played their part
Eager to feast on this man’s beating heart
We must unravel the illusions and lies
And discover who is behind the disguise

In the Mansion of Murder
Where Death waits at every turn
In the Mansion of Murder
The Secrets Hidden, We Must Learn
In the Mansion of Murder!

And naturally had to make a CD/Single cover…

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Obsidian The Dragon

Race: Dragon
Occupation: Terror of the Tenacious Swamps
Place of Birth: Avas
Known Relatives: Ankalagun (The All Father of Chromatic Dragons – Deceased), Skatha (The All Mother of Chromatic Dragons – Unknown), Emerald (Green Dragon – Sister), Crimson (Red Dragon – Sister), Cobalt (Blue Dragon – Sister), Frostmourn (White Dragon – Sister)
First Appearance: Never appeared in the series
History: When the Platinum Dragon arrived in the World of Mortals, he brought with him light and life to the world. Skatha, the all Mother of Chromatic Dragons, seeking to devour the light, had tried to consume the rainbows that burst through the dark, dank clouds of the world. She tried so furiously to prevent any and all color to enter the world that she absorbed it into herself – in the end, becoming a colorful dragon herself – each head, representing one of the colors of the world – Red, for the fire; Blue, for the Skies; Green, for the grass and tress; Black, for the shadows created by the light; and White, for the pure snow in the Northern Lands.

She grew so furious at the Platinum Dragon, that she cut herself and bled each of the five colors. In a vile attempt to ruin what each of those colors meant, she corrupted her blood and grew each of them into a mighty dragon – Red – whose breath of fire was hotter than anything known; Blue, for the skies, whose lightning bolt breath could destroy anything; Green, for the grass, whose poisonous breath was made from some of the most lethal plants; Black, for the shadows, whose acidic breath was a massive force of destruction; and White, for the snow, whose breath could freeze anyone’s blood. When they were ready, she unleashed them upon the world.

After a thousand years of fighting and nearly sundering the World of Mortals, the Chromatic and Metallic Dragons agreed to leave the World of Mortals; it had been Cobalt that had arranged for the agreement, weaving her words in such a manner that it left a loophole for the Chromatic Dragons to return to the World of Mortals, knowing that once her deception had been revealed, the Metallic Dragons, bound by their Word and Honor, would still not violate their Oath.

Emerald claimed the Evergreen Forest as her domain; a land, prior to her arrival that had once been ruled by Elves. Emerald attacked and destroyed the Elven cities within the woods, and earned the name ‘Emereth’ among the Elves, which translated meant ‘Green Death.’ With Emerald within the Evergreen woods, the very forest around her began to die and become as tainted as her evil heart. Her very breath contaminates and changes the plants; from a vibrant green, to a murky, almost swamp like life – dubbing the lands The Dark Woods. The Elves who survived Emerald’s attack have sworn to one day retake their home; but for now, they have fled to the City of Neverending, where they have been forced to adapt to living like humans.

Eyes: Black
Hair: None, Scales Black (as if made of shadows)

Accessories: An acid breath that causes mass destruction.

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Mysterious Figure

Race: Human
Occupation: Paladin
Place of Birth: City of Neverwinter
Known Relatives: Mother (Unknown Name), Father (Unknown Name), Wife (Human, Unnamed), Grayson (Human, Son), Wife (Elf, Unnamed), Peter (Half-Elf, Son)
First Appearance: Episode Thirty Eight: Mandatory Flashbacks
History: There is very little that’s known about The Mysterious Figure. All that is known is that he was a Paladin for a great King, who served his Lord and Master faithfully. During one of the first missions, he was assigned to stop a raid on an Elven village, where he would meet an unnamed female female elf, and fall in love with her. He left his King’s side, when he discovered that the Elf had become pregnant with his son. He stayed with her until the child was born; they had named him Peter. When Peter reached the age of 5, the mysterious figure returned to serve his King, when the King called upon him to help against marauding bugbears. Involved in a war with the foul bugbears for years, when he returned him, he found it abandoned, with no notification where his wife and son had vanished to. He searched for years, unable to find them, and when he was at his lowest, he met a human female bartender, who took pity on him and began talking to him. The two became very close, sharing similar pain, and eventually found that they had fallen in love. They married and had a son named Grayson, who the mysterious figure said he would be there for, and would not repeat the same mistake he had previously. But when his King called on him and he declined, his nights were restless with visions of the world burning, and so he eventually returned to the King to serve him against the newest threats rising – chromatic dragons! During a battle with the dragons, the mysterious figure was thought to have been killed, his sword – The Blade of Destiny falling into the hands of the villainous fiend. However, squabbling over the sword, let it to it being lost in a deep and vast lake, where it was eventually recovered, many years later (a story yet untold), and eventually came into the possession of his son, Grayson. The Mysterious Figure appeared again, alive, holding a similar flaming sword called The Avenger, when his two sons came face to face with the Crimson Draco Mother. When Grayson attacked the Crimson Draco Mother, it caused a massive explosion, that destroyed her and rendered almost everyone in the room unconscious. Grayson and Peter awoke in the Crimson Draco Prison, the fate of their father – unknown, much like his past.

Eyes: Unknown (Assumed Brown)
Hair: Unknown (Assumed Brown)

Accessories: The Mysterious Figure was formerly one of the wielders of The Blade of Destiny – it is believed that it is has been passed down for generations. He now wields a blade called The Avenger.

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Madame Rainbow

Madame Rainbow

Race: Human
Occupation: Female Nocturnal Entertainment
Place of Birth: City of Ator
Known Relatives: Mother (Unknown Name), Father (Unknown Name)
First Appearance: Neverending Nights – Episode 17: Heroes Bar & Keep
History: The beautiful Madame Rainbow wasn’t always a female nocturnal entertainment source. In her youth, Rainbow was a well behaved child. As she grew up, however, she realized how easy it was to get men to do what she wanted, simply because of her looks.

Realizing the gods had given her this wonderful body, she figured she had best use it to its full potential. Speaking with Ator’s governor, R’nulled, she convinced him to legalize the use of “renting” one’s body as form of “nocturnal entertainment.”

Her next move was to go to the most well known establishment in Ator, and make herself known, which was none other than The Heroes Bar And Keep. It wasn’t long before the bartender realized that her presence was bringing in a lot more men, which meant more drinking, which meant more money.

The bartender struck a deal with her to allow her to stay in one of the tavern’s rooms for free, every night. She agreed to the deal, and so the Heroes Bar and Keep changed its name to The Heroes Bar, Keep & Brothel.

Madame Rainbow has since then become the most powerful, and richest, female in all of Ator. She recently met Grayson and Peter, and was thankful that it was Grayson who wanted her “entertainment” that night – for some reason, she had an irrational hatred for the one named Peter.

Height: 5’10
Weight: 125 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black


BODY: Madame Rainbow’s body is a weapon. Some say she’s able to charm any man that looks at her.

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Race: Unknown, Presumed Half-Elf
Occupation: Unknown, Presumed Mage
Place of Birth: Funkatron
Known Relatives: (Unknown)
First Appearance: Neverending Nights – Fifty-Six: Funkafied!
History: Lamont is an interesting paradox. While he appears to look like a Half-Elf, he claims that he is from another world called Funkatron, and that somehow when he was transported, he was stuck in the human form that he can’t seem to escape from. He claims that the “Elf” side of him is from the Funk Magic of his own world and how it was “translated” in this world – the human half is the magic trying to disguise him for survival sake.

Regardless of Lamont’s questionable origin, he wear outlandish clothing with clashing colors, and constantly speaks about his “Funk.” However, when he says “Funk” he does not mean in an insulting manner, rather it is something that drives his magic (on his homeworld, or so he claims). While in a tavern, he overheard Grayson speaking to Amiee about not being sure why everyone seems to adore Peter over him. Lamont began rattling off about how Grayson’s “Funk-Level” was low, and thus the others in the tavern and bar were picking up on it. Lamont continued to explain that Grayson needed to “Funkafy” himself and that it would raise his “Funk-Fu.” Lamont then explained that he could see Grayson’s true heart – and that he saw that Grayson was not interested on hitting on women, because his own heart was already spoken for, whether he realized it not.

Grayson left Lamont alone and returned to Amiee, explaining that he thought everyone was crazy.

Lamont continues to look for “Vinyl Records” so that he can return to his “homeworld.”

Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde


WEAPON: Lamont claims to channel magic he calls “Funk-Fu” – the higher his “Funkafied Level” the more powerful his magic.

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