Lady Lorraine

Lady Lorraine

Race: Human
Occupation: Writer, Cook
Place of Birth: Florduh
Known Relatives: Mother (Unknown Name), Father (Unknown Name), Conner (Son), Pierce (Son), Jon the Joyful (Husband)
First Appearance: Neverending Nights – Episode 16: Dessert City?
History: Lady Lorraine was one of the premiere scribes in the city of Flurduh, where she penned such stories as World at WarFalling off the Edge of DarknessI Will Stand And Die With You, and A World Beyond This. She was penning the final pages of her latest novel, The Death Knight Cycle when her entire life was drastically changed forever.

Though Flurduh was a large, humid land, with swamps all about – it suddenly found itself under attack by a White Dragon named Frostmourn. Though dragons had not been seen in the lands for several thousand years; there were always stories about the return of the Chromatic Dragons to the world of mortals. What marked this more unusual than siting a dragon to begin with; was the fact that the White Dragon was a Northern Dragon, preferring a land filled with snow and frost. Lady Lorraine watched as men, dressed in armor with a white dragon crest, known as The Legion of Frost, marched into the city and began to ransack it. Lady Lorraine quickly gathered her two sons, Conner and Pierce, and along with the rest of the population of Flurduh, fled.

The trio eventually took up residence in the City of Ator, when their money ran out and they could no longer afford to travel onward. Pierce, who was still extremely young, ventured into the caverns behind the City of Ator, to see if they could take shelter and live there, since they could not afford a home in the City of Ator. What he discovered was a massive underground lake full of various aquatic life. He managed to catch some fish and crabs and brought it down to his mother and brother so that they could eat. When they began cooking the fish and crabs, they got the attention of other citizens who had never smelt such food. Curious to purchase it and try it, they began paying large amounts of money for it.

This eventually provided Lady Lorraine and her sons with enough money to purchase a small home in the City of Ator, where they continued their business, never sharing the secret of where they were getting the fish and crabs from.

While Pierce was in the mountain getting more fish and crab to sell, Lady Lorraine met Peter and Grayson who – like the other citizens of Ator – had been drawn by the smell of something being cooked. However, Lady Lorraine had just sold the last bit of fish and crabs only minutes before their arrival. Conner, thinking quickly, offered Crab Juice as an alternative (which was merely the steamed water that the crabs had been boiled in). Peter and Grayson accepted, eventually and departed.

However, while Grayson was being entertained in his room by Madame Rainbow, Peter returned to Lady Lorraine to speak to her again. That’s when he discovered that she and her sons had been displaced by the arrival of a white dragon named Frostmourn in her city. This, Peter had thought, was the lead that they needed. They now knew where to go and find a dragon. Peter had promised Lady Lorraine that he would find Frostmourn and kill the dragon, however, as fate would have it – they also discovered that a dragon apparently resided in the mountain behind the City of Ator.

Lady Lorraine was pleasantly surprised, when several months later she received a message from Peter the Ranger that the Dragon of Silverlake had been defeated and that he had purchased her a home in the City of Neverending, for her to continue her work as a scribe. She accepted Peter’s offer. Conner was hired at the Bar of Destiny to become the head Chef. While visiting the Bar of Destiny, Pierce had run into a man named Jon the Joyful and introduced him to his mother, Lady Lorraine. The two of them began speaking, and a few short years later, were happily married.

Pierce has vowed to one day return to Florduh and find Frostmourn.

Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

NO WEAPONS Though Lady Lorraine wields a pen, and as they say – the pen is mightier than the sword.

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Kane the Gnoll

Kane the Gnoll

Race: Gnoll
Occupation: Guard
Place of Birth: Onyxhovel
Known Relatives: Jake (Brother), Isiah (Brother)
First Appearance: Neverending Nights – Thirty-Eight: Mandatory Flashbacks
History: Hailing from Onyxhovel, Isiah, Jake and Kane were tasked with finding a guard to protect their cavern home. The three of them ventured out into the world and found many adventurers would try to kill them, rather than listen to their chances of handing out employment. During one such instance, the trio traveling into a lower caverns that they deemed “Guk” – combining “gooey” and “yuck” since the floor was covered with an odd slime. It was there, they discovered most of the creatures were undead (and thus no suitable guards could be found here!) – one of the undead attacked them, but they managed to defeat the frenzied ghoul who wore and odd, flowing, black, silk sash. They decided to take the weird sash and leave the caverns where they finally encountered an Ettin by the name of “Ettin the Exiled” who agreed to become their guardian.

However, the Ettin did not prove to be a very good guard. The Ettin had unknowingly been “tricked” for lack of a better word by Peter, Grayson and Pawl (in the form of a minotaur at this time), by forcing the two heads to argue with one another, allowing the trio to quickly run by. Later, even Andrea, Daniel, and the three goblins (Albert, Bob and Charlie) had managed to get by the Ettin with no problem.

Isiah told Kane to go check on the Ettin to see if it was even alive, because it was allowing so many people into Onyxhovel. Unfortunately, Kane would end up possessed by Pawl the Dorf, after the minotaur form perished on a trap. Pawl had possessed Kane for some time, until Andrea the Assassin caught up with Peter, Grayson and Pawl and she back stabbed Kane, killing the gnoll and releasing Pawl’s spirit, yet again.

Isiah and Jake found Kane’s body much later, when he had not returned from checking on the Ettin. Perhaps even more strange was Kane’s spirit was hanging out by his own body, explaining to the disbelieving brothers, that a Dwarf had “shoved” him out of his body and possessed him – and now that his own body was dead, he had no way to return to his body – or any body! Isiah and Jake vowed not only vengeance against the one who killed Kane, but also sought a way to get Kane back into his body – or any body!

Where they are in this quest, remains unknown.

Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown


WEAPON: Isiah uses a non magical axe.

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Kabewse the Knight

Kabewse The Knight

Race: Human
Occupation: Knight of the Bloodhunt
Place of Birth: Elkayjun
Known Relatives: Mother (Unknown Name), Father (Unknown Name), Gariff (Brother)
First Appearance: Neverending Nights – Episode 1: Heroes?!
History: There are a number of mysteries that surround the Knights, Gariff and Kabewse. Though Kabewse has told people that he was born in the hot, arid lands of Elkayjun – there are no records that indicate his birth took place there. There is no record of his mother or father having ever lived there.

If one is to believe Gariff’s story, it’s that he and his brother, Kabewse, had always wanted to be Knights when they were older. Day in, day out, they had supposedly sat perched on their patio railing watching the Knights of the Bloodhunt train. Some have speculated that Gariff and Kabewse are not their real names, and that perhaps the Knights are sons to a King in some distant land (who had forbid them to become Knights because of the dangers that it entailed). To add to the ever growing mystery of the dynamic, knightly duo – they have never removed their mask – save for one time, when they had been question by the Captain of the Crimson Draco Legion in the City of Pomtom. Some Bards, such as Dimi, have claimed to have traveled with the Knights, and saw only a shadowed version of their faces, that were so horribly scarred that – for the first time in his life – words had failed him on how to describe it.

On the way to the City of Neverending, Gariff and Kabewse saved a woman who had been kidnapped by a tribe of barbaric trolls. At the Red Dragon Inn, they indirectly inspired (or perhaps intentionally so) Peter and Grayson to seek out their own adventure and become (in)famous – so that they could get free drinks at the bar, as these two Knights had.

Even stranger still, was that – the fact that where ever Peter and Grayson were – the two Knights could usually be spotted nearby. Whether they were walking around the City, or wandering around the various vendors in the City of Ator – the two Knights were never far behind. It was in the City of Pomtom, where the Captain of the Crimson Draco Legion suspected Gariff and Kabewse of being Peter and Grayson, since they wore the same colored armor. This was the first – time, confirmed – that the Knights had ever removed their helmets. Whatever the Captain of the Draco Legion saw in their faces, was enough to give him pause – and in the end, excuse them. Amiee the Armorer had contacted Ann the Armorer, in the City of Ator, to make armor that was exactly like Gariff and Kabewse’s, and was able to easily bypass the Crimson Draco Legion hunting party – who believed it was the two Knights that they had previously questioned.

The mystery of who they truly are, seems as though it will be forever shrouded in mystery. After the defeat of the Red Dragon, Crimson, both Knights seemingly vanished. There are rumors that the two Knights have traveled to other lands to inspire others to rise against the other Chromatic Dragon Orders around the world; but this has never been confirmed.

Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Unknown


SWORD: Kabewse is equipped with the standard Knight Blade and shield.

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John the Journeyman

John the Journeyman

Race: Human
Occupation: Journeyman, Trainer
Place of Birth: Crestfallen Nether
Known Relatives: (Unknown)
First Appearance: Neverending Nights – Sixty: But I’m A Lover, Not A Fighter
History: John the Journeyman left his homeland of Crestfallen Nether to travel the world. Seeking to enhance his fighting skills, he learned from various, well known fighters – which included various types of sword fighting skills, such as one handed, two handed, fencing, Kendo, and other exotic weapon styles and weapons. While traveling across the barren lands of Tattooeion, he encountered an old wizard named Alek O’Wand. (John the Journeyman was pretty certain that the wizard had changed his name to O’Wand, as a reflection of him being a mage and probably was not his true birth name). Regardless, Alek O’Wand informed John the Journeyman that he actually knew John when he was first born, however John’s father never cared for Alek and never trusted him because of his magic. However, when John’s father passed, his blade had been given to Alek O’Wand to hand down to his son when the time was right. Alek had told John, “I have something that belongs to you. Your father wanted you to have it when you were old enough. He never trusted me, because of my magic; this sword is also magic, and your father feared it would corrupt you if given to you at a young age, and that you might follow me on some damn, fool, idealistic mission.” When he had handed the magical sword, with the green, pulsating blade, he added, “I have had a vision that you will play an important role in this life. The day will come where you will train one, just as I will train you in the ways of using magical swords.”

John the Journeyman trained faithfully with Alek O’Wand, until the old man had finally said, “It is time for you to move on. You are ready.” The last thing he said, before going to sleep forever was, “Remember to take one in as I have taken you in. You were lost. Another will come to you, lost as you were. Take them in train them. Embrace them. They may just do something great later on in life.”

John the Journeyman buried Alek O’Wand, unsure what to believe from the old man’s many tales. He eventually came to a large city wall called Stonewall, where a young boy tried to rob him. John the Journeyman captured the young boy and was about to turn him over to the authorities, when suddenly he heard Alek O’Wand’s words, about taking in another who was lost like he was. John the Journeyman began training David the Delinquent in the ways of swordsmanship, giving the young boy something to focus on.

John the Journeyman would later be approached by Peter, Grayson and Amiee. He agreed to teach Grayson the many different forms of sword fighting that he had learned in his travels.

Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown


WEAPON: John the Journeyman uses a green, glowing, magical blade, said to be able to cut through anything, so long as his will power willed it.

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Jake The Gnoll

Jake the Gnoll

Race: Gnoll
Occupation: Guard
Place of Birth: Onyxhovel
Known Relatives: Isiah (Brother), Kane (Brother)
First Appearance: Neverending Nights – Forty: Something’s Not Quite Right
History: Hailing from Onyxhovel, Isiah, Jake and Kane were tasked with finding a guard to protect their cavern home. The three of them ventured out into the world and found many adventurers would try to kill them, rather than listen to their chances of handing out employment. During one such instance, the trio traveling into a lower caverns that they deemed “Guk” – combining “gooey” and “yuck” since the floor was covered with an odd slime. It was there, they discovered most of the creatures were undead (and thus no suitable guards could be found here!) – one of the undead attacked them, but they managed to defeat the frenzied ghoul who wore and odd, flowing, black, silk sash. They decided to take the weird sash and leave the caverns where they finally encountered an Ettin by the name of “Ettin the Exiled” who agreed to become their guardian.

However, the Ettin did not prove to be a very good guard. The Ettin had unknowingly been “tricked” for lack of a better word by Peter, Grayson and Pawl (in the form of a minotaur at this time), by forcing the two heads to argue with one another, allowing the trio to quickly run by. Later, even Andrea, Daniel, and the three goblins (Albert, Bob and Charlie) had managed to get by the Ettin with no problem.

Isiah told Kane to go check on the Ettin to see if it was even alive, because it was allowing so many people into Onyxhovel. Unfortunately, Kane would end up possessed by Pawl the Dorf, after the minotaur form perished on a trap. Pawl had possessed Kane for some time, until Andrea the Assassin caught up with Peter, Grayson and Pawl and she back stabbed Kane, killing the gnoll and releasing Pawl’s spirit, yet again.

Isiah and Jake found Kane’s body much later, when he had not returned from checking on the Ettin. Perhaps even more strange was Kane’s spirit was hanging out by his own body, explaining to the disbelieving brothers, that a Dwarf had “shoved” him out of his body and possessed him – and now that his own body was dead, he had no way to return to his body – or any body! Isiah and Jake vowed not only vengeance against the one who killed Kane, but also sought a way to get Kane back into his body – or any body!

Where they are in this quest, remains unknown.

Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown


WEAPON: Jake uses a non magical bow.

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