Considering all of the STAR WARS references that we have put into the Neverending Nights series, it should be very clear that we’re HUGE Star Wars fans! Well, the folks at Bioware – as you or may not have heard (if you haven’t – what rock have you been living under?) – are about to release Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO. Well, for those who can’t play the MMO – you can still download the Star Wars tunes! Beginning today, they’re releasing music from the that’s NOT on the Collector’s Edition CD – so that you can at least experience the Star Wars music! So swing by and check it out! The first one is available on Bioware’s site, called The Mandalorian Blockade. (Right Click and SAVE AS…)
Just want to extend a thanks to the folks at Bioware for making these songs available! As always, Bioware sets the example of how gaming companies should be.
– Tawmis