Yes, I know this isn’t an update about me finishing Episode 65! This makes me unawesome. And I know this. (And I am totally making unawesome a real word, because that’s the only thing to explain me not being doing with NeN)! I was so close, but if you follow us on our Facebook page, I mentioned that there was an issue with the screen resolution when I tried to get fancy and do some HD video type quality.
But in the meantime, I have been keeping myself extremely busy. I have picked up a few more voicing jobs (all volunteer work), which has been exciting. More news on those as they get closer to being released (if ever!) So that’s been kind of awesome.
But let’s talk about something awesome, shall we? Colleen and Wyng’d Lyon Creation. Two things – well one thing – packed with a ton of awesome (and talent!)

Well, Colleen is going to open up a Store (hours to be determined) – and I know most of you don’t live in San Diego (since we’re like internationally famous or something!) – but if you wanted to repost it, that’d be fine with me!

Feel free to come by and be a fan of the Wyng’d Lyon Creations Facebook page! (I’d love you forever if you did! I promise!)