Per DiMono…

… I need a new journal entry. Well the way I figure, no one swings into here to see what madness I may be rambling about. Especially since most of it is on the Neverending site…

But here we go!

If you have not already, please check out DiMono’s cool contest – asking folks to generate a video to the music of “A Girl Named Tex” using RvB footage! Well all the submissions are in – and if you have not already – get in there and check out the videos and vote! Sure, we’re not as good at this editing thing as the folks at Rooster Teeth, but hey – it’s great tunes, to some great RvB footage, so I think you can overlook some of our bad editing. (Well mine, others have some kick arse stuff in their videos!)

Also, mentioned it before in the thread – might as well mention it here. Our own Machinima, Neverending Nights (URL is up there), was mentioned in PC GAMER UK in Jan 2005. Still waiting on our copies of the issue, but from what people said – they seem to like it. So that’s a good thing.

And to top that off – recently – Bioware got in contact with me and asked me a few things. And in a month (I thought it was gonna be this Weds, my bad!) – you will see us mentioned on the Bioware website! So that’s very exciting for Adam and I. I won’t reveal too much more about it (no, they’re not asking us to do a DVD version or anything – but that is something I am still hoping to get permission to do when we finish up Season 1, which ends with Episode 21).

Other than that, my wife left to go out of town till Sunday yesterday – and I just have to say that I miss her already and love her very much.

Oh – speaking of that – if you’re female and you’re in the San Diego area, please check out – and if you know any females in the San Diego area, please pass that URL in their direction – or to anyone who you think might be interested. (They sell shirts too – and those go anywhere in the United States).

Oh! And in our Neverending Nights episodes – some of them feature music by T.West (most noticably the Valentine’s Day SideQuest, for the ending credits) – you can check out her website with the CD information, tour dates, etc over at!

And I think on a final note for now – as always, please check out, pass around, the word and fine art of Lindsay Archer goodness!

And with that, I think I will wrap this up.

Is that good enough for making up for loss time, DiMono? 🙂

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