Well, there’s been a clearly delay in getting Season 3 and prepped and recorded and rolling out there… Even Mr. Snuggles has been threatened if we don’t generate an Episode 43 very soon!
Well first, Paul (Pawl the Dorf) and I (Peter the Great Ranger Hero) along with Amiee (Amiee the Armorer) had gone up to San Fran during the Holidays…
Where we enjoyed an assortment of food…
Paul and Amiee enjoyed some wine… frequently!
And encountered Gnomes…
We even let ourselves get lost in the Winchester House…
Upon returning there was no rest for the wicked… and Paul and I formed a band on New Year’s Eve…
Where we rocked with the likes of Colette (who hasn’t done a voice for us… yet!)
We even rocked with her husband, Jason (also hasn’t done a voice for us… yet!)
We even rocked with our Salt Vendor’s Boyfriend, Mike (who has a voice slated for Season 3)…
Even the beloved Salt Vendor, Poppy, joined us…
Then we went to New Orleans (Paul, Amiee, and myself)…
Where we did some relaxing…
Listen to some street bands…
Found a home away from home…
Enjoyed some good food…
And enjoyed Morning Beers…
I even got to meet Jules, from the Sierra/Tawmis forums…
We even got a … “behind the scenes tour” … of one of the most famous graveyards in New Orleans…
Bonus points to anyone who can guess why this grave is marked up?
We even ventured down Bourbon Street and had some beers…
And more beer…
And sometimes, something other than beer…
With less than pleasant results…
So we went back to beer…
And more beer…
Even some friends from Tennessee (EverQuest days) came down to visit us!
Phew – now I am back in town for less than a week before I head off to Texas for a short visit with my mother and sister out there.
Hope ye managed to enjoy the silliness, in the meantime, while I keep working on Season 3!
– tawmis