I previously mentioned how I’d played in a World of Darkness: Hunter game. Well, recently I got to play into a World of Darkness: Vampire game, with the same GM, but new players (besides me). And the concept of my vampire is that, he’s essentially a parody of Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat. However, where Johnny Cage knew all kinds of karate and such, my character doesn’t – he’s just a straight up, Irish, street brawler.
He had moved to Los Angeles in hopes of making it as a star, however, failed, but refused to return back home – so he went to San Diego, where he was picked up by a small studio called Renegade Studios. Renegade Studios is based off of Stu Segall Productions (Urmph, talk about a website in need of a very serious redesign!) which made shows such as Veronica Mars and Renegade (and thus the name Renegade Studios).
So, I leaned into the Johnny Cage parody and mentioned that while filming at Renegade Studios he earned a part in a movie series called Portal Combat – in which creatures from another dimension are trying to take over the Earth Realm. (I mean… does that sound anything like Mortal Kombat)? š
So I then worked it in that my hunter, from the Hunter game (see this post on the site about me talking about how much I got into it!) – ended up making the soundtrack for the movie. So I ended up editing a tape image and writing lyrics, which I figured I’d share here.

“Uncaged” (c) 2023, Sam Branor for Steel Destiny
Portal Kombat XII Soundtrack.The Portal to Earth has opened again
A war to battle between Hell and Heaven
Warriors selected to protect the Realm
Our saviors to take the HelmYou have been selected, Choose Your Destiny
Defeat the evil that’s been resurrected,
So take the stage, Unleash the Rage
And becomeā¦Uncaged! Feel the roaring rage
Uncaged! Prepare to take the stage
Uncaged! The war has been waged!Shimmering portals, demons pour through
And they’re coming after you
There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Stand up and fight, for those that died!
And becomeā¦Uncaged! Feel the roaring rage
Uncaged! Prepare to take the stage
Uncaged! The war has been waged!Defeat the enemies that stand before you
No need to hesitate, you must run them through
And when it comes down to you or me
You know your only option is doing a fatalitySo release the beast that’s inside
As forces of good and evil collide
Feel the blood pound in your veins
And know now you must break the chainsAnd becomeā¦
Uncaged! Feel the roaring rage
Uncaged! Prepare to take the stage
Uncaged! The war has been waged!