The Announcer


Race: Tiefling
Occupation: (Would Be) Reality Television Host
Place of Birth: Emteavie
Known Relatives: Mother (Unknown Name), Father (Unknown Name)
First Appearance: Neverending Daze – Episode 01: The Real Daze

History: There are times in one’s life when it feels like you’re waking up from a bad dream. For Announcer, his life was always a bad dream – and he was always praying that one day he would wake up from this perpetual nightmare. At the age of sixteen, this plane touched Tiefling realized that there was no ‘waking up’ from the nightmare. The life he had been living – if it could be called that – was indeed his life, not some twisted nightmare. Forgoing his real name, he took on the name ‘Announcer’ and sought out a way to show that there were others like him, who were doing miserable in life. Through a wizard contact, he realized that people could tune in via their magical, crystal balls and watch the lives of others being miserable! What better way to make oneself feel better than to see someone that is suffering more than you? So Announcer took this project from the ground up and his ‘reality show’ has been a huge success ever since.

Height: 5’4”
Weight: 196 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Skin: Dark Red

A “Film” Crew.

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Another Mage (Steel Destiny) session.

This time (we haven’t finished the mission yet; we barely started) – we got into a ship and traveled to a deep underwater base where… along the way things began to go wrong… so I used the anology of the deep ocean to be about deep emotions… and created this (fictional) song written by James Aldrich (the fictional bass player of the fictional band Steel Destiny). See my previous post about more.

Descending into Madness” © 2024, Steel Destiny written by James Aldrich

Tides of the vast and eternal ocean
Washing over me, pulling me beneath the tide
Burying me beneath my hidden emotion
Exposing me, tearing me apart, with nowhere to hide

The sea is endless, eternity before me, eternity beneath me
Drowning, gasping for air, so that I might catch my breath
But this far down, plunged into darkness, I can not see
Am I swimming up or down, is this where I meet my death?

Descending into madness, descending into darkness
Descending into the shadows of the undertow
Descending into madness, I have nowhere else to go
Descending into madness, I feel its dark caress

Crashing waves of endless desperation
Pulling me under, slamming me against the shattered pieces of my soul
Is this all a part of the madness, is this all my creation
Is there any hope of me regaining control?

This far down, the pressure of the sea is the pressure against my mind
Am I so far gone, that in the shadows of the dark, I see spirits
I wish I could just close my eyes, I wish I could just be blind
I wish I could plug my ears, just so I can’t hear it

Descending into madness, descending into darkness
Descending into the shadows of the undertow
Descending into madness, I have nowhere else to go
Descending into madness, I feel its dark caress

And naturally, as always, the fictional single CD (they still make those?) cover.

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Solmani the Frost Giant

Solmani, The Frost Giant

Race: Frost Giant
Occupation: Wood Cutter, Slayer of Adventurers
Place of Birth: Mountain of Mirrors
Known Relatives: Unknown
First Appearance: Neverending Daze – Episode 05: Giant Problems

After his wife Rose left him, Solmani was crushed. Eventually even the White Dragon he had, by the name of Fang, left to go rule his own Dungeon (an adventure that may one day yet be told!). Feeling depressed with the reminders in The Mountain of Mirrors, Solmani left the frozen peaks to try to make a new life for himself.

He encountered a giant cat, which had been snared in a trap and freed it and tended to it until it was healthy again. The Cat, far more intelligent than any cat he had ever heard of, followed him faithfully from that moment on. Solmani hoped to begin a new life in the warmer climate, just outside of the City of Daze. It was there he had encountered a Ranger by the name of Galaen. The two squabbled, before the Solmani chased the ranger away. Other than the pesky ranger, Solmani enjoyed the area outside the City of Daze and built a large, wooden cabin. This is where he would start his new life.

Little did he know that he would get small visitors, later on who had hoped to evict him…

Height: 14’6”
Weight: 846 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White

Axe of Half Elf Ranger Slaying. No one is sure if that’s what the axe is really called. No one has really cared to find out. Especially Galaen, who has run into Solmani twice now… much to his dismay.

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Galean Silverglade

Galaen Silverglade

Race: Half-Elf
Occupation: Ranger, Adventurer
Place of Birth: Half Moon Glade
Known Relatives: Mother (Unknown Name), Father (Unknown Name)
First Appearance: Neverending Daze – Episode 01: The Real Daze

History: Galaen Silverglade was the product of a human and a female elf falling deeply in love. Some would say there was no love more pure than that of Galaen’s parents. However, neither one of them considered the life of torment that would be granted their son once he was born into the cruel world. In a land where survival mattered the most, Galaen never seemed to be as good as his Elf Kin with a sword or a bow; nor was his as well versed as his Human side. Galaen also lacked the supreme vision that his Elf Kin had, but countered that (when he could) by saying that he at least had better vision than his Human Kin side. After years of endless torment at Half Moon Glade, Galaen took off on his own. With no idea where he was going or what he was going to do when he got there, he did the best he could for himself becoming a self taught Ranger. (This usually meant learning if berries were poisonous or not, by consuming small quantities of them to see if he would become violently ill). On his travels he encountered a bard who spoke of some ‘reality show’ in the City of Daze that he was headed for. Galaen figured this was a good as any place to prove to the world he could be a great ranger, a great leader, and a great person!

Height: 5’9”
Weight: 195 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown

Longsword of the Northern Star (It’s a normal longsword, but he’s given it this name in hopes of making him sound like he has a powerful magical sword to make up for his sheer lack of skill).

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Forge Ironbeard

Forge Ironbeard

Race: Dwarf
Occupation: Paladin, Adventurer
Place of Birth: Mount Stoneworkers
Known Relatives: Mother (Unknown Name), Father (Unknown Name)
First Appearance: Neverending Daze – Episode 01: The Real Daze

History: Forge never had the intention of going on any kind of adventure. Early in his life he had heard the calling of his chosen god (although, he would be heart broken to know that it was actually his younger brother beneath his bed talking to him in the dark). So Forge left to become a Paladin (which is exactly what his younger brother had hoped for – for now the room was all his!). Unfortunately, in order to get to the training grounds of the Church, it was a dangerous trek so Forge had grouped with others. However, the few times that the party had gotten in trouble, Forge had refused to heal any of them because of their alignments, and sometimes even because of their class or race! But it was never a racist thing to Forge – it was a part of the Paladin Code. Eventually the party dropped him off in the City of Daze, where he had caught wind of a crew planning to throw a party together. This was his chance to try to finish off his quest to get to the Church to complete his Paladin training…

Height: 4’8”
Weight: 167 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown

The Hammer of Justice (it’s a regular hammer, but Forge likes to give it a special name).

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