Race: Gnome Occupation: Mage, Adventurer Place of Birth: Sparkletown Known Relatives: Mother (Unknown Name), Father (Unknown Name) First Appearance: Neverending Daze – Episode 01: The Real Daze
History: Daisy Flamestrike is a “Mage” in her mind and her mind alone. In truth, she never managed to complete the Mage Academy. During the training in which she was suppose to use “Effect Normal Fires” – Daisy Flamestrike ended up doing a fireball. The unexpected Fireball exploded upon contact with vials and schematics. Before anything could be done the building was in flames. Daisy Flamestrike was kicked out of the Mage Academy, where she continued to wander around the road, doing small petty magic tricks (which more often than not resulted in someone needing to be tended by a Cleric for some healing). While at The Local Inn (yes, the place was called The Local Inn) in the City of Daze, she heard about a “reality show” and she thought this would be the perfect chance to prove to herself, and everyone else she’s ever met (and burned!) along the way, that once and for all, she was the greatest mage alive…
Height: 4’4” Weight: 102 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Blond
Accessories: Staff of Righteous Fury. This appears to be a real magical item – one, no doubt, that Daisy Flamestrike managed to grab in the confusion of the Mage Academy burning down to the ground.
Race: Devil Occupation: Devil, Ruler of Border Castle Place of Birth: Hades Known Relatives: Unknown First Appearance: Neverending Daze – Episode 03: Beauty Is In The Eye of the Beholder (a.k.a The Devil Made Me Do It, Part One) History: There isn’t too much known about Boom, The Devil. The one tiny fact that is known is when he came to the Prime Material World (that’s the world where us mere mortals lived), he came here with one thing in mind – to wipe out every single Beholder that has ever existed. And to his credit, he did exactly that.
The “reality show” that came through original had scoped out the dungeons of Border Castle and had heard there was a Beholder that guarded a massive treasure. (Naturally, due to health reasons – the reality television crew never ventured into the Dungeon itself – they just told the adventurers that there was a Beholder somewhere down there). So imagine the party’s surprise when they found a Devil (by the name of Boom) in the place of the Beholder!
Boom’s reasoning for destroying all the Beholders, to this day remains unknown. And everyone really, really doubts that he’s the “good devil” he claims to be…
Race: Halfling Occupation: Rogue (Please note she hates, hates, hates being called “Thief”), Adventurer Place of Birth: Gem Valley Known Relatives: Mother (Unknown Name), Father (Unknown Name) First Appearance: Neverending Daze – Episode 01: The Real Daze History: There are two words that will sum up Bloom’s personality, as well as her life. Survival and bored. Bloom Furryfoot has spent most of her life being bored, until the day she saw someone pick pocketing another individual. The individual’s lack luster attempt at pick pocketing was discovered by the intended victim – and Bloom watched as the would be victim chased the pick pocket for block and blocks. This is when Bloom thought to herself – that would be a cure for her boredom. If she went around pick pocketing people, there was always a risk involved that she just might get caught – or even chased for blocks on end. That notion appealed to Bloom, so she began pick pocketing. It wasn’t long before she had mastered that and moved to stealing items from stores and vendors. She had even managed to master that. So she kicked it up a notch. She thought, “Why do I break into the King’s throne and treasure room?” Using the various skills she had picked up and developed on the streets, Bloom was hiding in shadows, clubbing officers in the back of the head from the dark, scaling walls, detecting traps, and essentially doing what she had set out to do – until she reached the treasure room. Her gut feeling told her not to pick up the gem – she knew it was trapped. But she did it anyway. And it sprung the alarm. Something told Bloom she wanted the alarm to go off because she had gotten so far with very little challenge. Through amazing skill and grace, she managed to evade being captured. Now, there isn’t a town that Bloom won’t go and try to rob the king or mayor, or whatever person is in power, with the most amount of security. She was scoping out the king in the City of Daze, when she heard about the “reality show” and thought it might prove a bigger challenge to steal from other adventurers – so she joined up, hoping the dwarf at The Local Inn (once again, yes that’s the name of the Inn) would not be joining (he had been hitting on her all night long)…
Height: 4’5” Weight: 110 lbs. Eyes: Purple Hair: Black
Accessories: Rapier of Stealth. This, like most of the others, is probably not a magic weapon. Just a fancy name given to it by Bloom Furryfoot.
Race: Cat (Giant) Occupation: Mighty Mouse Slayer (Though not Mighty Mouse, himself) Place of Birth: Brookemere Known Relatives: Unknown First Appearance: Neverending Daze – Episode 05: Giant Problems History: Atheyalouse’s problems started as a young kitten. Raised in Brookmere, which happened to be infested with wererats – she was constantly finding herself being tormented. However, as the years passed, and Atheyalouse grew into her true size – a giant cat – the wererats realized that she was eventually going to be a very big problem (and that was literal)! Opting to instead lure her into a trap, Frang, the leader of the wererats left her there to die. Atheyalouse however was found by Solmani, who had just left the Mountain of Mirrors to find a better life. Seeing that Atheyalouse was in need of help, Solmani freed the giant cat from the trap and nursed it to health. Realizing that Atheyalouse and Solmani were both in need of a new life, the giant cat became a loyal pet to the Frost Giant.
Solmani built a giant log home just outside the City of Daze, where Atheyalouse was quite happy to be living. Their home was broken into one day by a bunch of would be adventurers on a “reality show” – which is where, Atheyalouse for the first time ever, encountered a barbarian (whose name was Thurg). Despite Thurg’s best efforts, he ended up being batted around the wooden cabin like a brand new cat toy. It remains unknown if Thurg and the others ever escaped…
Height: 11’4” (on all fours), 19’3” (on its hind legs) Weight: 487 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Orange with streaks of various colors
Accessories: Kitty Claws. I am pretty sure it doesn’t need to be explained beyond that…
Race: Dragon Occupation: Gold Dragon, Priest of Blackmire Church (Home of Resurrections, Reincarnation And Rose Carnations) Place of Birth: Blackmire City Known Relatives: Sandscale (Brass Dragon – Brother), Stoneclaws (Bronze Dragon – Brother), Skywing (Copper Dragon – Brother), Argent (Silver Dragon – Brother), Platinum (Platinum Dragon – All Father) First Appearance: Neverending Nights – Thirty: Good Elf… Bad Elf? History: Thousands of years, the Order of the Dragons – Chromatic (Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White) and Metallic (Brass, Copper, Gold, Silver, and Bronze) swore that they would not influence the World of Mortals. However, the Chromatic Dragons were deceitful in their promise to leave the Mortal World and soon returned to it.
Argent, the Silver Dragon, watched over the world, furious that the Chromatic Order was doing so much not only to influence, but rule over the world. The most powerful of the Chromatic Order was none other than the Red Dragon named Crimson. Her relentless evil influence spread across the land as she amassed an army called The Crimson Draco Legion. Argent fought with the other Metallic Order, saying that sitting idly by was not the right answer; that they too, had to return to the world and do something about the Chromatic Dragons and their evil ways.
Auric was the only Metallic Dragon that agreed with Argent – that something should be done. When Argent left the Realm of Dragons to venture to the World of Mortals – Auric soon followed. As the Dragon of Gold – Auric was gifted with visions of possible futures. He saw the Blade of Destiny enter the hands of the Bloodline and that most of those visions led to Blackmire City.
Auric took up the guise of a Mortal by the name of Zoe-Din. Fearful that the would be Bloodline would be hurt or worse – Zoe-Din took on Priestly abilities. As fate would have it, and as his visions had predicted – The Bloodline came to him. It was not Peter or Grayson that had been injured however – it had been Pawl the Dorf. Auric sensed something within Pawl’s bloodline – something he tried to trace back, but could not. Pawl had explained that he had been raised by humans, but that did not seem right. There was more to Pawl the Dorf. Auric agreed to ‘reincarnate’ Pawl since the adventurers could not afford a full resurrection (Auric still felt compelled to not completely over step his bounds by the Oath he had made).
Pawl the Dorf perished a number of times, returning back to Auric’s temple for another attempt at reincarnation, until he finally perished – and by this time, Auric had discovered that Pawl the Dorf came from the long line of Mysticforge Bloodline, responsible for making the Blade of Destiny thousands of years ago, to fight Dragonkin (namely the evil and overly greedy Chromatic Dragons). Auric had come to realize that Pawl’s parents feared that the Chromatic Dragons would come seeking him out and that it was better to hide him among the humans, where he might be safe. The Dwarf’s birth name was not Pawl – that had been given to him by the humans – it was truly Taylor. Auric, against his own Oath, reincarnated Pawl as a Dwarf and reunited him with Peter and Grayson to nudge them along Destiny’s Path.
Auric has enjoyed his time among the mortals, and even after the defeat the dragons Crimson and the Dragon of Silverlake; Auric remains in Blackmire City, under the human guise of Zoe-Din, where he had often assisted the citizens against battles against the undead armies that have marched against it.
Eyes: (Dragon) Gold, (Human) Brown Hair: (Dragon) Gold, (Human) Brown
NOTE: Zoe Din carries a wooden cross at all times, since Blackmire City has often been marched upon by the Undead Pirates, namely of the Black Sparrow crew, since it is so close to the Scarasea Oceans.