Vern the Vigilant

Vern the Vigilant

Race: Human
Occupation: Protector of Ator, Guard
Place of Birth: City of Ator
Known Relatives: Mother (Unknown Name), Father (Unknown Name), Douglas (Brother)
First Appearance: Neverending Nights – Episode 16: Dessert City?
History: Vern was born and raised in the City of Ator. He has a older brother named Douglas, whom he is quite different from. Where as Vern enjoyed the peaceful life, having a wife and kids, Douglas was the one who was scaling the walls of the Atorian Caverns, venturing out past the Gates of Ator, and into the dry, humid desert land for days on end, surviving on only his wits.

When an old man, with silver eyes and silver hair, named Dean came to the City of Ator and warned them that a blue dragon, by the name of Cobalt was near by, none – save Douglas – listened to what the old man had to say. Vern on the other hand thought the old man was suffering from Dry Madness – a madness that sweeps those who have been lost too long in the desert without proper food and water. After all, there had been no dragons seen for thousands of years upon the World of Mortals. Still, this inspired Douglas’ imagination, that he might one day fight and defeat an evil dragon, like the ancient stories once spoke of. When Douglas asked Vern if he thought the story could be true, Vern scoffed and said, “That wizard is just a crazy old man.”

However, a few short years later, the blue dragon Cobalt made its attack on the City of Ator – none were ready. It wasn’t until Dean, the silver haired, silver eyed wizard changed into the form of a silver dragon and roared – that it startled the Blue Dragon enough to drive it away. The City of Ator immediately enforced a draft, led by Commander Craig, to help protect the City. The Wizards of Ator, worked feverishly now – rather than seeking ways to improve their powerful spells – to crafting magical items against such magnificent and terrifying beasts. Douglas was one of the first soldiers to rise in the ranks under Commander Craig’s leadership.

Cobalt has yet to attack the City of Ator again; but Dean had warned them that Cobalt nearly succeeded the first time, because Dragons have been gone from the World of Mortals for so long, that Mortals became complacent. Now was the time to be ever vigilant.

While not one for adventure, or even fighting, Vern also joined the City of Ator Army, if for no other reason than to protect his family. Now, more often than not, Douglas and Vern are the Guardians of the Gates of Ator – the first line of defense against any attacking force.

When Peter and Grayson ventured to the City of Ator, they were greeted by Vern and Douglas and cleared to enter the City.

Eyes: Black
Hair: Black

SWORD: Vern, as all guards of Ator, was provided a magical weapon. Vern’s blade is able to burn an opponent with its searing blade.

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Machinimag #7.

I’ve mentioned it a few times (phew, just checked – all the way back in 2005!)

Well I was cleaning my external drive, and going through my Neverending Nights folder – and I discovered my copy I’d downloaded of the Machinimag #7 that Adam and I were in.

Figured I’d upload it here on the site too.

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The Dragon of Silverlake

Race: Dragon
Occupation: Terminator of potential adventurers and heroes
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
First Appearance: Episode Sixty-Three: ‘The Fall Of A Hero’
History: There is shrouds of mystery that surround the infamous Dragon of Silverlake. Much of the problem stems from various heroes and bards, all sharing potentially false information about the Dragon of Silverlake. There were stories, for hundreds of years; some stating that the Dragon of Silverlake had been killed, and there was so much treasure to be claimed, that people – to this very day – were still able to claim thousands of pieces of gold to their name, with no need to go back – while many others were claiming that they had family and friends, who were seasoned adventurers that never came back from where the legendary dragon dwelt, leading to the speculation that the Dragon of Silverlake was anything but dead.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of heroes perished trying to find out if the Dragon of Silverlake was alive or dead. Many lied and said they had found the dragon dead, and found treasure; some said they found the dragon alive, killed it, and found treasure, thus perpetuating the confusion as to whether the dragon was alive or dead.

It was not until Peter and Grayson tracked down the infamous Dragon of Silverlake that they realized (despite the conflicting stories they had heard also on their adventurers) – that technically, both stories were correct. Whatever the Dragon of Silverlake was before, is unknown – no one knows if it was already an evil Chromatic Dragon, or a Metallic Dragon that was slain and enslaved into becoming an undead Dragon Lich, which it broke free of, and now ruled the mountains around Silverlake.

The Dragon of Silverlake was neither alive, or dead – it was undead. Grayson had rushed to attack the Dragon of Silverlake, but was killed. Peter tried shooting arrows, but the Dragon taunted him saying that only the Blade of Destiny and the bloodline bound to it, could harm him. Being Grayson’s half brother (sharing the same father), Peter picked up the Blade of Destiny and killed the Dragon of Silverlake, once and for all. Using a potion given to him earlier, Peter was able to restore Grayson’s life, and explained that it had been Grayson who killed the dragon, but had been rendered unconscious.

Eyes: Red
Hair: None, pure bone.

Accessories: Undead has a lot of benefits. No one cared to ask though.

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Skywing the Dragon

Race: Dragon
Occupation: Protector of Deeaygo
Place of Birth: The Dragon Realm
Known Relatives: Auric (Gold Dragon – Brother), Stoneclaws (Bronze Dragon – Brother), Sandscale (Bronze Dragon – Brother), Argent (Silver Dragon – Brother), Platinum (Platinum Dragon – All Father)
First Appearance: Never actually appeared in the series
History: Thousands of years, the Order of the Dragons – Chromatic (Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White) and Metallic (Brass, Copper, Gold, Silver, and Bronze) swore that they would not influence the World of Mortals. However, the Chromatic Dragons were deceitful in their promise to leave the Mortal World and soon returned to it.

Argent, the Silver Dragon, watched over the world, furious that the Chromatic Order was doing so much not only to influence, but rule over the world. The most powerful of the Chromatic Order was none other than the Red Dragon named Crimson. Her relentless evil influence spread across the land as she amassed an army called The Crimson Draco Legion. Argent fought with the other Metallic Order, saying that sitting idly by was not the right answer; that they too, had to return to the world and do something about the Chromatic Dragons and their evil ways.

Auric was the only Metallic Dragon that agreed with Argent – that something should be done. When Argent left the Realm of Dragons to venture to the World of Mortals – Auric soon followed. As the Dragon of Gold – Auric was gifted with visions of possible futures. He saw the Blade of Destiny enter the hands of the Bloodline and that most of those visions led to Blackmire City.

Skywing returned to the mortal world and took an interest in Deeaygo. He sensed great power in many of the mortals there – one of them in particular – Sam the Smith. He sensed that within her was the power to bring balance back to the world of Dragons, and so he protected her – and as a result, all of the City of Deeaygo – from the constant threats and assassination attempts by the minions of the Dragon of Silverlake.

When Pawl the Dorf, Peter the Ranger, Grayson the Fighter, and Amiee the Armorer arrived in Deeaygo – Skywing knew that the time had come, and that the Dragon of Silverlake would meet their end. He assumed he would return back to the Realm of Dragons once the Dragon of Silverlake was defeated; but as he began to leave, he already found himself missing the mortals – and returned to swear himself as the protector of Deeaygo.

Eyes: Copper
Hair: None, scales made of copper.

Accessories: None, other than a devastating breath weapon.

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Skatha – Chromatic All Mother

Skatha - Chromatic All Mother

Race: Dragon
Occupation: Chromatic Mother, Would Be Destroyer of the World
Place of Birth: Realm of Dragons
Known Relatives: Ankalagun (The All Father of Chromatic Dragons – Mate, Deceased), Crimson (Red Dragon – Daughter), Obsidian (Black Dragon – Daughter), Cobalt (Blue Dragon – Daughter), Emerald (Green Dragon – Daughter), Frostmourn (White Dragon – Daughter)
First Appearance: Never Appeared In The Series
History: There are as many legends as there are as many years since her sighting about Skatha – the Chromatic All Mother. The most common legend speaks of an Age before Mortals, in which Skatha roamed the would. She was said to be made of only darkness and evil, with no light to her soul. When the Platinum Dragon arrived, he brought with him light and life to the world. Skatha, seeking to devour the light, had tried to consume the rainbows that burst through the dark, dank clouds of the world. She tried so furiously to prevent any and all color to enter the world that she absorbed it into herself – in the end, becoming a colorful dragon herself – each head, representing one of the colors of the world – Red, for the fire; Blue, for the Skies; Green, for the grass and tress; Black, for the shadows created by the light; and White, for the pure snow in the Northern Lands.

She grew so furious at the Platinum Dragon, that she cut herself and bled each of the five colors. In a vile attempt to ruin what each of those colors meant, she corrupted her blood and grew each of them into a mighty dragon – Red – whose breath of fire was hotter than anything known; Blue, for the skies, whose lightning bolt breath could destroy anything; Green, for the grass, whose poisonous breath was made from some of the most lethal plants; Black, for the shadows, whose acidic breath was a massive force of destruction; and White, for the snow, whose breath could freeze anyone’s blood. When they were ready, she unleashed them upon the world.

With them, she was able to throw the Platinum Dragon unto the world, where he struck with such force that he was buried in stone. But it was there, as he bled, that he gave life to his own sons – the minerals of the world sought to heal him, sensing the life he had brought with him – so the world gave him The Silver Dragon, The Copper Dragon, The Brass Dragon, The Bronze Dragon and the Gold Dragon – all of which rose from the world and released him from his stone prison.

The Dragons waged a war so violent that it began to tear the very fabric of the world apart. The Platinum Dragon and Skatha took their battles to the Heavens, where in an explosive bright flash – their climatic battle, supposedly came to an end – sending their remains out through the skies – their scales, becoming individual stars that light the night – always looking down upon the world.

One had sought to destroy it; one had sought to save it.

Eyes: Varied
Hair: N/A


WEAPON: as the Chromatic Mother, her Gift was Death.

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