Steel Destiny adventure continues!

Well, it’s not really about Steel Destiny, but I play the bass player of this fictional band, Steel Destiny, which I made up for this GM’s game. In the original World of Darkness setting, it was a Hunter game – and I played Sam Branor, the vocalist of Steel Destiny. And it was a lot of fun – a lot of freaking fun. In the Vampire game that followed, I managed to bring Steel Destiny back, as the band that got contracted to do one of the songs for a movie (that my Vampire character) was going to be a part of. Now, in this new Mage game, I returned to playing a character from the band and have been playing James Aldrich, the bass player of Steel Destiny.

This session was a continuation of the previous session, which was a huge reference to one of my all time favorite movies, Clue. Not Clueless. It’s Clue. Yes. Like the board game. Anyway, in this new session as we continued it – we discovered someone was present at the gentleman’s “my life is over tonight” party who had powers – similar to the rest of us (being Mages). We eventually discovered, it was a vampire, who was wanting revenge on the family line, for some thing that happened generations ago.

Anyway, as always, I try to write lyrics when I am playing someone from Steel Destiny, and this session was no different.

“Legacy of Vengeance” © 2024, Steel Destiny written by James Aldrich

A curse through the generations
Death casts it’s shadow
There’s nowhere to run, nowhere to go
Can’t escape, blinded by their desperation.

Eternal life, fueled through hatred
An endless hunger which can not be fed
A curse upon you, a curse upon me
I promise you, you will never be free

The Legacy of Vengeance
Is all consuming
The Legacy of Vengeance
What end does this bring
Devour the innocence

Death comes at the same time
Payment for another family member’s crime
Tonight as you gaze into the mirror
Your reflection stares back at you in fear

Accept that which is your fate
You can never make amends for what’s already been done
Death is coming and all you can do is wait
To claim another father’s son

The Legacy of Vengeance
Is all consuming
The Legacy of Vengeance
What end does this bring
Devour the innocence

And naturally, even created… album art.

I am uncertain of the artist, but the art appears to be related to “Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance” with the Steel Destiny and Legacy of Vengeance added by yours truly.

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Race: Dragon
Occupation: Guardian of the Sands
Place of Birth: The Sands of Sottamine
Known Relatives: Auric (Gold Dragon – Brother), Stoneclaws (Bronze Dragon – Brother), Skywing (Copper Dragon – Brother), Argent (Silver Dragon – Brother), Platinum (Platinum Dragon – All Father)
First Appearance: Never actually appeared in the series – yet…?
History: Thousands of years, the Order of the Dragons – Chromatic (Black, Blue, Green, Red, and White) and Metallic (Brass, Copper, Gold, Silver, and Bronze) swore that they would not influence the World of Mortals. However, the Chromatic Dragons were deceitful in their promise to leave the Mortal World and soon returned to it.

Argent, the Silver Dragon, watched over the world, furious that the Chromatic Order was doing so much not only to influence, but rule over the world. The most powerful of the Chromatic Order was none other than the Red Dragon named Crimson. Her relentless evil influence spread across the land as she amassed an army called The Crimson Draco Legion. Argent fought with the other Metallic Order, saying that sitting idly by was not the right answer; that they too, had to return to the world and do something about the Chromatic Dragons and their evil ways.

Auric was the only Metallic Dragon that agreed with Argent – that something should be done. When Argent left the Realm of Dragons to venture to the World of Mortals – Auric soon followed. As the Dragon of Gold – Auric was gifted with visions of possible futures. He saw the Blade of Destiny enter the hands of the Bloodline and that most of those visions led to Blackmire City.

Furious with his brother, Sandscale followed shortly after – and sought his brother out, but could not find him. (Unaware that Auric had taken up a human form to help nudge those who had the Blade of Destiny – Grayson and Peter).

Sandscale’s current whereabouts are unknown.

Eyes: Brass
Hair: None, Scales made of Brass

Accessories: Sandscale, like all dragons, has a powerful dragon breath.

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More from the Dragonlance campaign! 5e Spoilers.

Check out the previous segment here.

  • Allen Silver – Half Elf – Bard
  • Ambrosius – Minotaur – Fighter
  • Kamb Font – “gnome” (actually a Changeling, but the party doesn’t know that) – Rogue
  • Leil’thienne – Drow – Artificer (Alchemist)
  • Talis Silverrose – Human – Wizard
  • Aelamin Willowspirit – Half-Elf – Paladin (Knight of Solamnia)
  • Cole – Human Cleric

Talis sat up – screaming.

Sweat poured down his face, his robes were soaked. His mind frantically raced to comprehend where he was – and after a moment, his heart slowed as he realized he was in Heart’s Hollow.

Just a few days ago, Talis witnessed something his mind could not conceive. They’d been at Camp Carrionclay liberating Dargonesti prisoners as well a kender prisoner who’d been captured by the evil army that they’d been opposing.

Then came the shadow in the skies – and the roar.

Black wings of doom and destruction descended from the heavens like an angel of death. Ebony scales glistened as the beast’s muscles rippled like the waves of a beach under the duress of a furious storm sending pounding waves crashing to the shoreline.

The beast roared – a sound that stopped all that heard as it positioned itself on a tower that crumbled beneath its weight.

It was a dragon… a black dragon.

The creatures of myth and legend – one was now there, on the tower – furious.

Talis heard it speak something – but his mind was reeling, his heart pounding with endless fear – then he heard Leil’thienne and Allen scream – they’d been standing next to him. Talis turned and saw that the black dragon had spewed acid from its mouth and struck them both.

As Talis looked at the bard he’d spent his early days traveling with, now burned by the acid – though both he and Leil’thienne had survived the attack – their skin had been burned by the attack. Talis turned to face the dragon – to face the very fabric of his nightmares – his eyes focused on the black dragon and his pupils disappeared, reflecting the color of the dragon’s scales, his pupils vanishing and becoming black circles that looked like Nuitari.

Though the dragon had been searching for something in the camp – Talis could not remember anything that happened between when he looked back at the black dragon until Aelamin Willowspirit struck a critical blow against the black dragon, bringing it crashing down; the Paladin’s white light had been like a beacon drawing Talis out of the darkness he’d been swallowed by.

Talis as he came to could barely make sense of what he was hearing; Kamb had mentioned they found a Dragon Egg. Kamb had placed it in his bag of holding and everyone was heading for the magical ship to escape the wretched Camp Carrionclay.

The journey back to Heart’s Hollow had been a blur to Talis. He thoughts were swimming in questions; the Black Dragon had seen Talis – a wizard of White Robes – and had not struck him down, instead it spewed its acid upon Leil’thienne and Allen who had been standing no more than five feet away from him. Why had the Black Dragon struck him down? Talis had been depleted of his most powerful spells having already exhausted them; he was powerless to save or defend Leil’thienne and Allen because he was out of anything that might have been useful.

He needed more power. He needed to find a way to draw more magical energy into himself.

Though Leil’thienne and Allen had survived the attack, Talis could not let himself feel that helpless again. Despite the news of having found a Dragon Egg in the Camp Carrionclay base, Talis was numb to it; all he could think of was the black dragon, being powerless, and witnessing Leil’thienne and Allen being bathed in acid.

He hated feeling helpless. Hated it.

Even as they spoke to Ness, who had pulled them into a room – and thanked them for the bringing the Brass Dragon egg to her – then revealing that she herself was a Brass Dragon, Talis walked as though he were in a daze.

His mind returned time and time again – seeing the black dragon breathing its vile acid towards his companions. As they spoke to Grandit at End’s Odds, it was will the dwarf had mentioned making legendary things out of the star-steel that Kamb had placed on the table, that Talis’ mind which had been focused on the black dragon, blurted out, “We could make a dragonlance.” He suddenly reached into his pouch, his mind racing with the stories his father had told him and his brother about Huma Dragonbane – and he had an old book he’d found about Huma and put it in front of the dwarf.

The sense of hopelessness washed over him again during dinner that night as his gaze fell on Leil’thienne and Allen. He’d felt so powerless in front of the black dragon.

That night, his dreams crumbled beneath the tides of velvet black as his mind retraced the events of the black dragon’s attack. This time as it landed on the tower, Talis heard the dragon speak – he heard its words – and it was a woman’s voice. A woman’s voice he recognized. It’d been Wyhan’s voice again.

“I was wrong about you, Talis,” the voice boomed. It’d been her voice but it spoke with the thundering intensity of the black dragon. “I am so very rarely wrong – and I despise admitting when I am. But you… son of a Knight… I see it now… I see past the shield you held before me… hiding what truly lies in that soul of yours… the shield hid your true self… You are both a son of a Knight… but also the son of Night… darkness and shadow swim within you… the thirst for more… the thirst for magic… the thirst for power… you crave more than you possess and you know the way to do just that… to embrace the shadow… embrace the ash…”

Wyhan as the black dragon lunged forward, maw open wide as if she would swallow Talis whole; Talis held up his arms defensively, though he knew it would do him no good. After a moment, he lowered his arms and Wyhan as the black dragon was gone; but he quickly noticed his robes were black, decorated in black dragon scales.

“It looks good on you,” Wyhan’s voice said from the shadows. Talis looked around, the color of his eyes had vanished and were now circular pits of darkness – and there in the sky, he could see the black moon, Nuitari, Wyhan’s face. “I have a gift for you, Talis Silverrose. “You felt powerless and weak in the face of death – gaze upon me and see my gift to you.”

Talis stared – and saw his reflection in the moon – adorned in black robes.

“My gift is death,” Wyhan whispered.

The reflection of Talis in the moon suddenly rushed forward; colliding into Talis, feeling as if it ripped his soul from his body.

Talis sat up – screaming.

Sweat poured down his face, his robes were soaked. His mind frantically raced to comprehend where he was – and after a moment, his heart slowed as he realized he was in Heart’s Hollow.

Talis learns Spirit of Death at Level 7.

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Sam the Smith

Race: Human
Occupation: Smith, Forger of Weapons and Armor
Place of Birth: Deeaygo
Known Relatives: Madame Marie (Mother), Awyer the Astral Traveler (Father), David the Delinquent (Brother), Jake the Journeyman (Husband)
First Appearance: Episode Sixty-One: ‘Reunited And It Feels So Good (Wait, didn’t we use that last season?)
History: Sam grew up with her mother, Madame Marie, one of the wealthiest and most respected women of Deeaygo. Sam’s father, Awyer the Astral Travel, not only traveled the Astral Plane gaining incredible knowledge and insight, but also traveled the world, sharing the knowledge he had discovered. It would seem that the entire family was blessed with skills of some kind, because Sam became one of the most respected and skilled forgers; capable of forging magic weapons without the actual use of magic; simply through skill alone. Most however, have made the mistake in assuming that Sam was male, because of the name and not a nickname for “Samantha.” As such, many were astonished – and the arrogant, often offended – that a woman was forging weapons – and forging them better than any man throughout the world.

She would play a key role in helping the world be rid of the Dragon of Silverlake, once and for all, when Pawl the Dorf, Peter the Ranger, Grayson the Fighter, and Amiee the Armorer came to her. She was able to teach Pawl the Dorf, who was the destined one to repair the Blade of Destiny – how it was to be done. With the blade reforged by Pawl, Peter and Grayson were finally able to put the Dragon of Silverlake down, once and for all.

Sam would eventually meet Jake the Journeyman and the two would fall in love. Sam tracked down Peter and asked if he could be the one to marry them. Honored, Peter returned to Deeaygo and performed the wedding ceremony (having taking classes from a local Cleric to become certified).

Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond

Accessories: At any given time, Sam can have a magical weapon, of any kind, at her ready.

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Ruth the Redeemed

Ruth the Redeemed

Race: Human
Occupation: Former Waitress, Assassin
Place of Birth: Galana
Known Relatives: “Evil Queen” (“adoptive” mother), Father (Unknown Name)
First Appearance: Neverending Nights – Episode 17: Heroes Bar & Keep
History: As Andrea the Assassin, there was very little known about her origin. It wasn’t revealed until much later, that she was actually known previously as Ruth before being recruited by the Crimson Draco and her army.

As Ruth, she had worked as a waitress in the city of Galana, where she first met Grayson. She was immediately enchanted by his tales of bravery and heroics (all of which was made up to impress her, because he had been drawn to her as well). Though Grayson was not from Galana himself, he had made the trip there several times, simply to see Ruth, each time returning with more grand (and fabricated) tales of heroics. One day, she brought out a dessert for Grayson, on the house, to thank him for all the heroics. She then sat with him and said she had wanted to run away with him and be with him and witness all these great things he did in the world.

That was the last meal Ruth ever severed Grayson, and the last time she ever saw him again.

For a very long time.

She had no idea what she had done to drive Grayson away (in truth, he was scared of revealing that he wasn’t the great hero he had painted himself to be, so he avoided Galana at all costs). Ruth, being broken hearted, was easily swayed by the Crimson Draco who found Ruth crying. She sensed great potential within Ruth, and great sense of revenge. The Crimson Draco took that and fed upon it and recruited Ruth. She changed Ruth’s appearance to be more sinister looking and changed her name to Andrea the Assassin.

She quickly rose in the ranks of the Crimson Draco army and was hand picked by the Crimson Draco herself to seek out “The Blade of Destiny” – a sword forged specifically to slay dragons. She followed a series of leads that eventually led her to the city of Stronefrost where she met Ronald the Wreckless, who had just sold the very sword she sought to two “would be heroes” (Peter and Grayson, though she did not know it was the same Grayson she knew). She struck down Ronald the Wreckless, as well as his guard, for good measure, and left them both dying on the frozen floor.

By order of the Crimson Draco, she met a gnome by the name of Daniel the Destructive, who was to assist her in tracking down the magical blade. Though she and Daniel did not get along (more so, she did not get along with him, due to his constant rambling), they did manage to finally track down Peter and Grayson and catch up with them. This is where she learned that the one who had the sword was none other than Grayson – the same man she had fallen in love with in Galana. She found that she could not strike down Grayson and take the sword. She had told Daniel to teleport herself and Daniel back to the Crimson Draco and report that they could not find the blade. However, due to Peter having Pepper Flavored Salt, which has been known to impact spells – it was actually Peter and Grayson (along with Pawl and Dean the Silver Dragon) that were teleported before the Crimson Draco.

Andrea the Assassin

She would eventually make her way back to the Crimson Draco camp and discover that the Crimson Draco had been slain by Grayson. She could not believe it – Grayson had done a heroic feat – but not only that, she now had no one to turn to. Dean the Dragon appeared before her and explained that her soul was not yet lost – that she could make a difference. Peter and Grayson had been imprisoned by the Crimson Draco Guards until they figured out what to do now that their leader had been struck down. Andrea took up her original name, Ruth just as Dean the Dragon said she could redeem herself – she now called herself Ruth the Redeemed. She immediately went to the prison level and discovered, somehow, Peter and Grayson had escaped – but they had (unknowingly) left Pawl the Dorf behind. She freed Pawl and together they sought to catch up with Peter and Grayson. When they finally did, Pawl learned how to reforge the Blade of Destiny (which had lost its charge after killing the Crimson Draco). Now they fought hordes of armies under the command of the Dragon of Silverlake – who, they discovered – was an undead Dragon! Peter and Grayson had successfully killed the Dragon and opened the tavern they had always hoped. Ruth the Redeemed and Grayson the Fighter talked and cleared things up, realizing both of them had changed, and that their paths now went separate ways. Grayson remained as the owner of the new bar, while Ruth went on to help others against the other Dragon armies of the world.

Height: 5’8
Weight: 120 lbs.
Eyes: Black
Hair: Blond

SWORD: Ruth wields a sword – it is unknown whether it is magical or not, though she’s made it very clear she knows how to use it well.

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